pyrolysis machine

Pyrolysis gases

January 26, 2018 13:25:01 Product Solutions Chat online Leave a message
pyrolysis gas
Waste tyre pyrolysis plant
What is pyrolysis:

Pyro = heat. Lysis = break down.

Pyrolysis is chemical reaction. This reaction involves molecular breakdown of larger molecules into smaller molecules in presence of heat. Pyrolysis is also known as thermal cracking, cracking, thermolysis, depolymerization, etc.
pyrolysis plant
Waste tyre/plastic pyrolysis plant
Doing group has developed the latest waste tyre pyrolysis plant  to deal with the waste tyres/plastic in an eco-friendly and profitable method. Pyrolysis plant is a machine which is used to convert waste plastic or tyres into useable products like fuel oil,carbon black and pyrolysis gas.
The pyrolysis gas contains CO, CO2, H2S and hydrocarbons such as ch4, c2h4, c3h6 and c4h8, and their unsaturated derivatives. Non-condensable gassed arise during the recycling application which
Has a higher calorific value compared to nature gas
Can replace natural gas and propane when stored
Can be used as energy resource in gas burners, also used in pyrolysis system.
The amount of gas generated in the system is 10%-15% of the total amount of the recycled tires and considering the 10 ton scrap tire/day recycling capacity, the facility generates 900-1000 m³/day gas which has an enormous energy potential when evaluated.

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